Vision Statement

To be a Christ-centered, Evangelistic, Disciplined, Democratic, United, Self-Sustaining and Growing Congregation at Akropong and its environs.

 Mission Statement

Grace Congregation will uphold the Centrality of the word of God and through the enablement of the Holy Spirit, adopt a Holistic development of her Human and Material Resources to:

  1. Improve Church growth through effective Evangelism and Church Life & Nurture.
  2. Improve Internal Unity (synergy) and Cohesion among Members of the Congregation.
  3. Attain self sufficiency through effective resource mobilization and subsequent management.
  4. Address all factors that inhibit development through advocacy and effective delivery of social services in the Akuapem Area.
  5. Uphold the Reformed Tradition and cherish partnership and Ecumenism with all Christ-Centered Churches in the Akuapem Area, the Country and beyond.

Core values

Furthermore, the founding fathers of the church had with them, a twenty (20) point vision statement for the new church that was birthed.

  1. A Church with Committed Membership
  2. A People Restored Church
  3. A Discipline Church
  4. A Praying Church
  5. Receiving and Releasing Resources Church
  6. Liberal Giving Church
  7. Networking/Relational Building Church
  8. Lay Ministry Driven Church
  9. An Equipping Church
  10. A Leadership Developing Church
  11. A Family Building Church
  12. A Business People Building Church
  13. Word-Driven Church
  14. A People Reaching Church
  15. A National Reaching Church
  16. A World Reaching Church
  17. Church Planting Church
  18. Mega/Meta Church
  19. Church whose Fruit Remain
  20. Church with Good Music/Eventful Worship