28th April, 2024. Jesus Christ, the Alpha and Omega: Possessing the unknown future as a young adult with the all- knowing God.

Jesus Christ, the Alpha and Omega: Possessing the unknown future as a young adult with the all- knowing God

Scripture reading

Rev 21:6

John 15:1-8

Dan 3:16-26


I am Alpha and Omega first and last. This determines two pivotal points in our life but the certainty of the future depends on our reliance on Him.


Jesus Christ, The Alpha and Omega

What does this mean to us?

1.That Christ takes preeminence in every thing. He must be our top priority

2.That Christ holds the answer to every question of our existence

3.That Christ has the final say to all your mind bugling questions in life



What is the unknown future?

The unknown future is in relation to our finitude but to God it is laid clear before Him. Isa 46:10

It refers to our lack of familiarity with life events that goes beyond yesterday which we have memory of and the now that we have experience with.

It may also represent even the future with Christ revealed  which we may have little to no understanding about

Refers to the uncertainties of life that we need faith to deal with.


The dangers of the unknown future

-The unknown future makes us live in fear

-Makes us take hasty decision – Saul 1 Sam 13:7-9

-Make us take a cautious approach to life Job

-Makes us step out of God’s will. Ruth Naomi and family

– Makes us go ahead of God. Abram



All knowing God

– He knew us before we were a clot of blood- Jer 1:5

– He knows the end from the beginning Isa 46:10

– He knows us by our name Isa 43 :1 45:3,4

– He knows the bounds of our habitation Acts 17:26  Rev 2 :13

– He knows the hair on our head Luke 12:7

-He knows  our works, patience, service, tribulation, poverty, love. Rev 2,3

-He knows Hidden things in our life Isa 48:6 1 Cor4:5

He knows our destiny helpers

1 Kings 17:4 (Animal)

1 kings 17:9 (Men, angel )

Dan3:25  Daniel 6:22 (the angel of his present)


But what is God saying about the future

– The future in him is sure and expected. Jer 29 :11

– the future will be glorious than the former. Hag 2:9


How to make the Alpha and Omega lead

1.Everything that has a beginning and an end in you life let the Alpha and Omega be involved Proverbs 3:5

– ministry


-Career/ business

-your spiritual maturity and growth

2.Acknowledge him in no uncertain terms when people ask about your hope 1 Pet 3:15

3.Remember not to share with him or any person his glory Isa 42:8

4.Remain confident and resolute in Him  amidst  danger Daniel 3:16

5.Abide in him and let his word abide in you John 15

6.Walk by faith and not by sight 2 Cor 5:7 Mark 11:22




Habakkuk 3:17-19

[17]Although the fig tree shall not blossom, neither shall fruit be in the vines; the labour of the olive shall fail, and the fields shall yield no meat; the flock shall be cut off from the fold, and there shall be no herd in the stalls:

[18]Yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will joy in the God of my salvation.

[19]The LORD God is my strength, and he will make my feet like hinds’ feet, and he will  make me to walk upon mine high places. To the chief singer on my stringed instruments.

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